Texts McGregor’s accuser sent to security team cast further doubt on allegations

The ongoing investigation into the alleged SA involving Conor McGregor has taken an intriguing twist with the emergence of compelling evidence. Recently, a woman accused the Irish superstar of an undersired interaction with her in a Kaseya Center bathroom.

McGregor was in Miami to promote his new pain relief sports spray during halftime of Game 4 of the NBA Finals. He found himself entangled in a nightclub encounter with an unidentified woman.

The case has been unfolding, with new information coming to light each day. Recently, video footage emerged revealing McGregor’s interactions with the accuser before and after the alleged assault. Furthermore, a text message exchange between the woman and a security guard responsible for the UFC star’s protection at the arena has surfaced.

Local10 News in Miami obtained the transcript through Ariel Mitchell, the alleged victim’s attorney. According to Mitchell, the assault took place at midnight, and the woman reached out to the security guard at noon on the same day.

Mitchell explained to News10, “The assault had taken place at midnight, and she messaged him (the security guard) at noon. My client knows him from being someone who had been a security guard at previous games.”

The woman reported the assault to the local police on Sunday, June 11. Mitchell claims that her client was advised by the authorities to immediately seek legal representation, warning her about the imminent media frenzy that she would face without proper support.

Mitchell recalled the incident, stating, “They escorted her outside of the Miami police precinct and told her that if she were to report that crime at that time that it would immediately go viral within 20 minutes.”

She added that her client was strongly urged to either resolve the matter before filing a police report or hire an attorney to guide her through the legal process. Mitchell continued: “That she should seriously consider hiring an attorney to either (a) resolve this before a police report is necessary or (b) to help her navigate once she did file a police report. My client was, as you could imagine, very afraid.”

Understandably, the alleged victim was overwhelmed and fearful given the circumstances.

When approached for comments, the Miami Police reportedly declined to address the allegations that the woman was advised to hire legal representation while trying to file a complaint.