Trans Lobby Suggests How To Manipulate Public Opinion On Transgender Athletes

Transgender Law Center posted results from the most comprehensive set of polling and focus group research ever released to the public on the question of trans rights sometime in December.

The biggest finding in the 13 page report concerns Trans athletes. While most of the topics covered in the document feature actual numbers – the numbers are so bad for trans athletes in sports they’re not even included.

 Right now. Our opposition wins the debate on trans youth and sports against any and all arguments we have tried for our side, there is a huge gap in awareness and concern. With most base and persuadable respondents unaware of proposals regarding transgender girls participation in sports, while a strong majority of our opposition has heard some or a lot about it.

This basically means that even when the participants heard all the arguments the trans activists make about the issue the person still decided against them most of the time.

This memo is particularly interesting when we’re discussing the case of Lia Thomas. Thomas is setting women’s swimming records in spite of having competed as a man last year. Mainstream media seems to ignore the coverage – and the conservatives cover it extensively.

The memo found some framing that can ‘help’ soften the public opinion when it comes to transgendered athletes competing against women.  The memo recommends what it calls a race class gender narrative that’s clearly derived from the race class narrative.

According to The HIll’s analyst Ryan Grim:

The race class narrative is an update on a theme that 19th century populist pushed, most famously by Tom Watson, who said to white and black farmers famously: ” You are kept apart that you may be separately fleeced of your earnings, you’re made to hate each other because upon that hatred is rested the keystone of the arch of financial despotism, which enslaves you both. ”

The Trans rights memo suggests a similar tack. Specifically, the memo argues “We can and should connect justice for transgender people to issues of racial and economic justice. And by doing so we move our base and persuadable audience on key metrics of support.”

Trans swimmer Lia Thomas certainly got this cue and has been comparing her plight to Jackie Robinson.

Left Lia Thomas, Right Jackie Robinson the first African American to play in Major League Baseball

Dailymail reported:

‘She compares herself to Jackie Robinson,’ the teammate added, referencing the fact that Robinson broke the race barrier to become the first black man to play Major League Baseball.

‘She said she is like the Jackie Robinson of trans sports.’


Ryan Grim shined a light on why this strategy might work:

The strategy of linking trans rights to racial justice echoes of strategy advocated in a while The distributed 2019 memo that analyzed the rapid success of the trans rights movement in several European countries. One of the key lessons learned was “tie your campaign to more popular reform”. Specifically, it cited the success of linking trans rights to marriage equality and moving it all forward at once. It also then advised ” avoid excessive press coverage and exposure”.