McGregor donates €50,000 for preserving Irish culture, in memory of woman killed by immigrant

In a heartfelt tribute, Irish MMA icon Conor McGregor has announced his pledge of donating €50,000 to the Ashling Murphy Memorial Fund. This marks the second anniversary of the tragic incident that claimed the life of the beloved schoolteacher and talented musician.

Ashling’s family and friends attended a memorial site Wednesday to honor her. She was killed while out on a run two years back on this day.

Taking to X, McGregor shared the donation link to the fund and urged everyone to contribute. His tweet read:

“2 year anniversary of Ashling Murphy today. Here is a link to her memorial fund that I urge us all to donate to today.”

He highlighted the fund’s role in providing tuition, facilities, and equipment as necessary for fostering this rich cultural heritage.

“The main objective for the Ashling Murphy Memorial Fund is for the further enhancement, development and advancements of The Traditional Irish Arts, Culture and Heritage for young people. With your support, this may be done through the provisions of tuition, facilities and equipment where required.”

“In short, the provision of an environment to continue and enhance this culture where Ashling grew up and was very much part of.”

James Hogan is the Principal of Durrow National School, where Ashling passionately taught First Class pupils. He spoke on the second anniversary of her untimely passing.

Hogan reflected on the profound impact Ashling had on the school community and outlined their commitment to preserving her legacy.

Mr. Hogan said: “Here we are on the second anniversary of Ashling’s passing. Another sad, emotional day but it’s a day to remember her for who she was and what she has left behind.”

He further expressed the school’s dedication to perpetuating her legacy, emphasizing how they cherish her memory every day. January 12th of each year is designated as a special day in the school and all communities connected to Ashling.

“And from a school point of view, as principal, our mission is to keep her legacy going. We will always remember her every day but the 12 January every year will be a special day in our school and in all the communities and elements she was connected to.”

“How we remember her in our school – her smile and personality will always be remembered through the pictures we have of her in our school.”

Durrow National School has launched the Fiddle School, realizing one of Ashling’s dreams. Dedicated to her memory, this initiative has successfully engaged 72 children in learning and playing the fiddle.

“Her legacy will continue on through music, singing with the choir, sports, and we have launched our Fiddle School which was one of her dreams, in memory of her and we have 72 children playing the fiddle.”

“She was a natural leader when she was alive and is still an inspiration and motivator when she is not here but always with us.”