Dana White debuts atrocious Slap video game

In a surprising move, Dana White recently unveiled the Power Slap mobile game.

The launch of this game has stirred a lot of reactions, as it arrived without prior hints or speculations. However, ‘fans’ can now immerse themselves in the role of a Power Slapper, crafting their own career trajectory. Additionally, players can engage in thrilling matches against global opponents through the game’s online mode.

While the graphics may not rival those of high-end sports games it’s still a game and the results could be worse.



One of the funniest bits, is that the game received a favorable playstore rating from one of the actual game developers.

The studio developing the game is a subsidiary of Zynga.

Power slap has 10,000 downloads on google playstore yet no ratings.

White already managed to brag about the game ranking 4th on appstore downloads but considering the download to rating ratio it’s likely the promotion is using some unsavory tactics to boost game stats.

“I’m truly captivated by this. I find it intriguing. Moreover, this concept is gaining traction,” White articulated during the press conference. “When we initially introduced this, there were concerns about the athletes’ health and safety. Our participation ensures heightened safety standards… This concept resonates strongly on social media, making it an ideal fit. It’s also perfectly suited for television.”

White is a big proponent of slap despite the fact UFC has difficulty translating fans from UFC to Powerslap with the majority of fans and stars wanting nothing to do with the venture.