(Video) Man taught by 122 Year Old Master in the mountains of China challenges MMA pro – it backfires horribly

In the realm of martial arts, where discipline and skill are celebrated, there exists a disheartening phenomenon—delusion. While mixed martial arts (MMA) provides a safe platform for individuals to test their combat abilities, there are those who propagate false teachings and mislead others within this diverse community.

Renowned UFC commentator Joe Rogan recently shed light on the subject, unveiling how the rise of the UFC exposed numerous fraudulent martial artists who had established their own schools. These charlatans, lacking genuine fighting prowess, would fabricate techniques and deceive their students.


“There’s a lot of those guys that existed before the UFC that were just frauds. There was a expletive ton of ’em. They would start their own schools and they would teach people. And they literally didn’t know how to ”

“They were making **** up,” Rogan revealed during a conversation with his guest.

The prevalence of such impostors continues to surprise even today. Rogan highlighted the peculiar phenomenon of self-proclaimed martial artists demonstrating a “death touch” technique, where their mere touch supposedly immobilizes their opponents through mystical chi energy.

“They can’t move their body. There’s a lot of ’em, there’s like hundreds of these videos. It’s like, what is that sort of mass psychosis? What is this like, hypnosis?” Rogan pondered.

Recently, one of these challengers faced a rude awakening. This individual claimed to have received training from a legendary martial artist who allegedly learned secret techniques from a 122-year-old master in the mountains of China. However, when pitted against an actual MMA professional, his illusions were shattered in a brutal yet non-fatal manner.

Instances like these have become increasingly common, as individuals practicing traditional martial arts, including wushu, aikido, and tai chi, venture into arenas where their skills are woefully inadequate. These arts, while providing a means of physical activity and self-discipline, lack the effectiveness required for real-world combat situations.

One notable incident involved an Internet sensation known as the “Karate Kid,” who naively attempted to showcase his MMA prowess to his coach. Unsurprisingly, the outcome was far from favorable. These encounters serve as reminders that traditional martial arts, although valuable in their own right, are ill-suited for competitive combat against skilled opponents.


The crucial lesson to be learned from these experiences is the necessity of practical training and the cultivation of techniques that have been proven effective in live scenarios. Embracing styles like MMA allows practitioners to develop a comprehensive skill set encompassing various martial arts disciplines. By focusing on realistic combat situations, MMA fighters acquire the tools needed to thrive in the ring or the octagon.

In conclusion, the world of MMA has brought to light the prevalence of fraudulent martial artists and their misleading teachings. UFC commentator Joe Rogan’s insights reveal the dangers of delusion within the martial arts community. The encounters between self-proclaimed masters and actual MMA professionals underscore the importance of practical training and the need to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of combat sports. Aspiring martial artists should seek guidance from reputable trainers and prioritize practicality when honing their skills to ensure they are well-equipped to face real opponents