(Video) Muay thai match ends after the star dislocates his own elbow attempting to strike

In the realm of full-contact combat sports such as muay thai, the raw intensity between athletes often leads to a variety of injuries, ranging from minor bruises to more severe bone fractures and even brain trauma. Despite stringent regulations, the dynamic nature of these sports renders athletes susceptible to unexpected injuries.

A recent incident during a muay thai match exemplifies the unpredictability of such injuries. In a viral video circulating on social media, two athletes engage in a heated exchange within the ring. Amidst the flurry of strikes, one athlete attempts a spinning back elbow, only to have his attack thwarted as his opponent blocks with both arms.

What follows is a disturbing sight as the athlete who launched the strike suffers a dislocated elbow upon impact. His right elbow joint appears visibly displaced, causing his arm to hang awkwardly as he moves. While dislocated elbows are not uncommon in combat sports, the manner in which it occurred, stemming from a spinning back elbow strike, is particularly unusual and likely unprecedented in professional matches.

Despite the severity of the injury, the opponent initially moves to continue the fight, poised to launch another attack. Fortunately, the referee intervenes promptly, halting the match to prevent further harm.

The video sparks a wave of reactions on social media, with many expressing sympathy for the injured athlete while others criticize his opponent’s apparent lack of sportsmanship.

In the comments section, the injured athlete, identified as Ramzi Nouainia, offers insights into the incident. He expresses bewilderment at the unforeseen injury, noting his extensive experience with the technique without prior incident. Nouainia attributes the mishap to factors beyond his control, such as timing and distance management. Despite the setback, he remains optimistic, sharing news of a successful surgery to address his elbow injury and expressing gratitude for the support received.

Nouainia’s resilience and determination to return stronger underscore the indomitable spirit prevalent among combat sports athletes, despite the inherent risks they face.