Neuroscientist argues importance of quality sleep to improve all aspects of life

Are you one of those who habitually kickstart their day by rushing to the coffee machine? While the allure of that warm cup of coffee is undeniable, it might be time to reconsider your morning habits.

A distinguished neuroscientist and professor from Stanford, Dr. Andrew Huberman has unveiled a groundbreaking approach to crafting the perfect morning routine. Interestingly, it revolves around optimizing sleep.

Dr. Huberman’s insights challenge our conventional notions of a productive morning. He promises that if you are bold enough to try it, it will “make you better at everything.”

In a recent appearance on the renowned YouTube channel After Skool, he candidly shared his unique perspective on an ideal morning routine that commences at 6:30 AM.

Instead of immediately gravitating towards caffeine, Dr. Huberman begins his day with a stroll as the sun rises. When he gets back, he drinks a glass of salt water. Every morning, Huberman follows this strict practise. He claims to have experienced amazing results.

He said: “I’m certain that these tools work.”

But the neurologist acknowledges that despite drinking salt water and going for morning strolls, sleep is really the most crucial activity for him.

Huberman added: “There are certain foundational behaviours – certain dos and don’ts that set the stage for you to be better at everything.”

Huberman then went on to share his detailed instructions for the ideal morning routine. The journey to an exceptional morning begins by awakening between 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM.

He said: “Getting outside for a 10-minute walk or a 15-minute walk is absolutely vital to mental and physical health.”

The sea salt water follows, but Huberman doesn’t start eating until almost mid-day. This has several advantages, such as better sugar regulation, heart health, and cognitive function.

The neurologist also commits to a period of exercise, and advises you to do it five times each week.