Michel Pereira angry he submitted to Ngannou’s demands – didn’t want to get into an altercation following UFC 270

According to an interview Pereira recently did, Francis Ngannou and his team accused Michel Pereira and his team of making noise in the hotel at night and preventing him from sleeping after the victory over Cyril Gane at UFC 270. As per Pereira, the Brazilians immediately became quieter.

“Coutinho, let me tell you something. We celebrated my victory at the hotel (over Fiallo at UFC 270 – approx.), had fun. And we are such guys – we move only with music, we constantly light up, even when we cut weight.”

“I always rock, and my guys are the same. Constantly moving noisily, having parties.”

“And our room was next door to Ngannou.”

“And since the room was small, and there were a lot of people, someone suggested: “Let’s sit in the hallway?”.

After they sat down in the corridor, someone immediately came out to complain.

“Who do you think? Ngannou. The guys look at each other like that: “Wow, Ngannou is coming.” He comes up and says, “Hey, do you think it’s real to fall asleep when there’s such a noise? How do I sleep, huh?”

“Honestly, at that moment I felt uncomfortable. I was after a hard fight, my nose was broken, my legs were beaten off. If Ngannou started a fight, what would I do to him?”

“And I just gave the back one. It’s so huge… And we are: “Buddy, it’s okay, we’ll slow down now.” We somehow gave up too easily. And we turned down the music, began to talk more quietly.”

Pereira went on to add:

“Honestly, Ngannou made me angry. Why couldn’t he address us politely? He was lucky that I was all beaten up and couldn’t do anything, especially for a guy of this size.”

“I don’t even want to think about it. I know he’s a modest, nice guy, but why couldn’t he tell us politely, “Hey, guys, could you…” I didn’t like the way he spoke to us. You need to be polite to people. If he had addressed us politely, we would have retained respect for him forever. And so – we just fell silent. “What the f*ck?! Do you think you can fall asleep with such noise?”.

“…you have to be polite to people. I could have answered him too: “Bro, go f*ck yourself. Who are you anyway?”